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Vision & Mission


1. Be kind to others and yourself 

  • To create equitable spaces that support the development of all our students into healthy, confident and caring adults.

“The greatest work that kindness does to others is that it makes them kind themselves.” Amelia Earhart

2. Be your best 

  • To unlock the potential in all students so they can achieve in all aspects of life.  

"There is no magic to achievement. It is really about hard work, choices and persistence." Michelle Obama 

3. Take care of our community 

  • To ensure that all students make a positive contribution, helping to build a sustainable future for all.

"Let’s make our future now and let us make our dreams tomorrow's reality." Malala Yousafzai


Our mission at LBTS is to EMPOWER and EDUCATE students to enable them to EXCEL as young citizens who practise the core values of the school. As part of this vision, we are committed to constantly evaluating what we do, in order to develop, deliver and embed:

  1. A world-class KNOWLEDGE BASED CURRICULUM that is inclusive of diverse experiences and histories and empowers our students to BE THEIR BEST

  2. CONSISTENTLY EXCELLENT TEACHING, based on research-led approaches that focus on students to BE THEIR BEST and shows measurable impact, particularly for priority groups

  3. HAPPINESS and BELONGING, formed from a strong focus on promoting wellbeing, self-confidence and healthy choices to educate students in how they can be KIND TO THEMSELVES AND OTHERS

  4. Ensuring students are KIND TO THEMSELVES AND OTHERS, by creating opportunities for students to better understand and tackle discrimination, empowering them to be upstanders and champions of  SOCIAL JUSTICE

  5. TAKING CARE OF OUR COMMUNITY, including becoming the FIRST CHOICE SCHOOL for local families, as well as playing an active role as citizens in making positive contributions